Servoy Properties Summary | |
String | build |
Date | buildDate |
String | component |
String | licensee |
String | typeLicensed |
Number | version |
String | versionLicensed |
Servoy Properties Details |
String build
Returns the current version (major, minor, build)Returns
String build String
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
Date buildDate
Returns date release dateReturns
Date date Date
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
String component
Returns the component nameReturns
String name String
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
String licensee
Returns the licenseeReturns
String licensee String
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
String typeLicensed
Returns the type that is valid for this licenseReturns
String type String
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
Number version
Returns the current version (major, minor)Returns
Number version Double
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
String versionLicensed
Returns the version that is valid for this licenseReturns
String license String
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
Servoy Methods Details |
IDCsv createCsv( )
Create a CSV ObjectReturns
IDCsv csv IDCsv
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
IDDbf createDbf( )
Create a DBF ObjectReturns
IDDbf dbf IDDbf
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
IDExcel createExcel( )
Create an Excel ObjectReturns
IDExcel excel IDExcel
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
IDCalendar createICalendar( )
Create an iCalendar ObjectReturns
IDCalendar calendar IDCalendar
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
IDQbContact createQbContact( )
Create a QB Contact ObjectReturns
IDQbContact contact IDQbContact
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
IDTxt createTxt( )
Create a TXT ObjectReturns
IDTxt txt IDTxt
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
IDXml createXml( )
Create a XML ObjectReturns
IDXml xml IDXml
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
void filterDataSet( JSDataSet, Number, Object, Boolean )
Exclude or include rows at the given column and value of the CURRENT BEDataSet.Parameters
JSDataSet dataset the dataset
Number column the column
Object filter the filter
Boolean include the include
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
// Exclude or include rows at the given column and value of the JSDataSet.
// set the name of the file
var filename = plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (filename) {
//create a dataset from the file
//the showHeader parameter is set to false by default
//REMARK: a header will always be constructed from the first row
var set = plugins.it2be_data.csv().getDataSet(filename);
//filter the CURRENT set at column # 2 (we don't create a new dataset here)
//a boolean value true will filter out all values other than the given value
//a boolean value false will filter out the given value
plugins.it2be_data.filterDataSet(set, 2,"Harrison", true);
//when the dataset is NOT empty
if (set.getMaxRowIndex()) {
var message = "";
//output to the debugger to show there is a result
application.output("set.getMaxRowIndex() = " + set.getMaxRowIndex());
//because the set is a 'standard' JSDataSet all the functions and properties
//we can use the Database Manager to retrieve the column count and column names
var columncount = set.getMaxColumnIndex();
//limit the number of columns we show to 5 when columncount > 5
//5 is an arbitrary value to limit the width of the dialog
columncount = (columncount > 5) ? 5 : columncount;
//loop through the columns
for (var i = 1 ; i <= columncount ; i++) {
//retrieve the names
message += set.getColumnName(i) + "::";
message += "\n";
var rowcount = (set.getMaxRowIndex() > 5) ? 5 : set.getMaxRowIndex();
//loop through the rows of the JSDataSet
//REMARK: the JSDataSet starts counting at 1 instead of 0
for (var i = 1 ; i <= rowcount ; i++) {
//loop through the columns
for (var ii = 1 ; ii <= columncount ; ii++) {
//and retrieve the column values
message += set.getValue(i, ii) + "::";
message += "\n";
//show the result
if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("JSDataSet", message);
} else {
//output to the debugger to show there is NO result
application.output("JSDataSet = null");
void filterDataSet( JSDataSet, Number, Object )
Exclude or include rows at the given column and value of the JSDataSet.Parameters
JSDataSet dataset the dataset
Number column the column
Object filter the filter
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
// Exclude or include rows at the given column and value of the JSDataSet.
// set the name of the file
var filename = plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (filename) {
//create a dataset from the file
//the showHeader parameter is set to false by default
//REMARK: a header will always be constructed from the first row
var set = plugins.it2be_data.csv().getDataSet(filename);
//filter the CURRENT set at column # 2 (we don't create a new dataset here)
//a boolean value true will filter out all values other than the given value
//a boolean value false will filter out the given value
plugins.it2be_data.filterDataSet(set, 2,"Harrison", true);
//when the dataset is NOT empty
if (set.getMaxRowIndex()) {
var message = "";
//output to the debugger to show there is a result
application.output("set.getMaxRowIndex() = " + set.getMaxRowIndex());
//because the set is a 'standard' JSDataSet all the functions and properties
//we can use the Database Manager to retrieve the column count and column names
var columncount = set.getMaxColumnIndex();
//limit the number of columns we show to 5 when columncount > 5
//5 is an arbitrary value to limit the width of the dialog
columncount = (columncount > 5) ? 5 : columncount;
//loop through the columns
for (var i = 1 ; i <= columncount ; i++) {
//retrieve the names
message += set.getColumnName(i) + "::";
message += "\n";
var rowcount = (set.getMaxRowIndex() > 5) ? 5 : set.getMaxRowIndex();
//loop through the rows of the JSDataSet
//REMARK: the JSDataSet starts counting at 1 instead of 0
for (var i = 1 ; i <= rowcount ; i++) {
//loop through the columns
for (var ii = 1 ; ii <= columncount ; ii++) {
//and retrieve the column values
message += set.getValue(i, ii) + "::";
message += "\n";
//show the result
if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("JSDataSet", message);
} else {
//output to the debugger to show there is NO result
application.output("JSDataSet = null");
Array<Object> getFilteredColumnAsArray( JSDataSet, Number )
Retrieve all distinct values in the given column.Parameters
JSDataSet dataset the dataset
Number column the column
Array<Object> columns Object[]
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
JSDataSet getFilteredDataSet( JSDataSet, Number, Object, Boolean )
Exclude or include rows at the given column and value and return a NEW JSDataSet.Parameters
JSDataSet dataset the dataset
Number column the column
Object filter the filter
Boolean include the include
JSDataSet dataset JSDataSet
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
// Exclude or include rows at the given column and value and return a NEW JSDataSet.
// set the name of the file
var filename = plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (filename) {
//create a dataset from the file
//the showHeader parameter is set to false by default
//REMARK: a header will always be constructed from the first row
var set = plugins.it2be_data.csv().getDataSet(filename);
//filter the current set at column # 2
//and return the column with all distinct values from that column
var values = plugins.it2be_data.getFilteredColumnAsArray(set, 2);
//filter the current set at column # 2
//and create an array of DataSets per distinct value found
var sets = plugins.it2be_data.getFilteredDataSets(set, 2);
//get the separator for the os
var osname = application.getOSName();
var separator = "/";
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
separator = "\";
//get the path to the folder where the selected file is located
var path = filename.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + separator;
//when the array of DataSets is NOT empty (length is not 0)
if (sets.length) {
//loop throught the DataSets
for (var i = 0 ; i < sets.length ; i++) {
//write a new .txt file with the value
//found in column 2 into the directory where we found the original file
plugins.it2be_data.txt().write(path + values[i], sets[i]);
} else {
//output to the debugger to show there is NO result
application.output("JSDataSet = null");
JSDataSet getFilteredDataSet( JSDataSet, Number, Object )
Exclude or include rows at the given column and value and return a NEW JSDataSet.Parameters
JSDataSet dataset the dataset
Number column the column
Object filter the filter
JSDataSet dataset JSDataSet
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
Array<JSDataSet> getFilteredDataSets( JSDataSet, Number )
Returns an array of DataSets based on the given column and distinct values.Parameters
JSDataSet dataset the dataset
Number column the column
Array<JSDataSet> datasets JSDataSet[]
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
Boolean query( String, String )
Create and execute RAW SQL code.Parameters
String connection the connection
String query the query
Boolean result boolean
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
// create a query, this is plain sql but needs to be database specific
var query = "CREATE TABLE sql_test(sql_test_id INTEGER DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,creation DATETIME,modification DATETIME);"
// execute the query and retrieve the (boolean) result
var result = plugins.it2be_data.query("crm", query);
// create a message based on the result
if (result) {
var message = "The table is alive and kicking!\nHave a look in your database management application";
} else {
var message = "Creation of the table failed!";
// and show the message in an info dialog
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("DBTable creation", message);
// now let's assume you are in production and run the query against a database that is
// used by the solution
// plugins.it2be_data.flushClientsCache("crm", "sql_test");
// REMARK: it is possible to perform ANY query you want as long as there is a database server
// however I would only use this method to perform actions on databases not connected to
// your production solution to avoid critical mistakes.
// now let's create a record and use the input parameter
// to execute uncomment the below 5 lines of code
// var query = "INSERT INTO sql_test (creation, modification) VALUES (?, ?)";
// var input = [new Date(), new Date()];
// var result = plugins.it2be_data.query("crm", query, input);
// application.output(result);
// plugins.it2be_data.flushClientsCache("crm", "sql_test");
// it is also possible to use the query to drop a table (below) and perform any
// other action you need to take
// to execute uncomment the below 3 lines of code
// var query = "DROP TABLE sql_test";
// var result = plugins.it2be_data.query("crm", query);
// application.output(result);
Boolean query( String, String, Array<Object> )
Create and execute RAW SQL code.Parameters
String server the server
String query the query
Array<Object> input the input
Boolean result boolean
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
// create a query, this is plain sql but needs to be database specific
var query = "CREATE TABLE sql_test(sql_test_id INTEGER DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,creation DATETIME,modification DATETIME);"
// execute the query and retrieve the (boolean) result
var result = plugins.it2be_data.query("crm", query);
// create a message based on the result
if (result) {
var message = "The table is alive and kicking!\nHave a look in your database management application";
} else {
var message = "Creation of the table failed!";
// and show the message in an info dialog
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("DBTable creation", message);
// now let's assume you are in production and run the query against a database that is
// used by the solution
// plugins.it2be_data.flushClientsCache("crm", "sql_test");
// REMARK: it is possible to perform ANY query you want as long as there is a database server
// however I would only use this method to perform actions on databases not connected to
// your production solution to avoid critical mistakes.
// now let's create a record and use the input parameter
// to execute uncomment the below 5 lines of code
// var query = "INSERT INTO sql_test (creation, modification) VALUES (?, ?)";
// var input = [new Date(), new Date()];
// var result = plugins.it2be_data.query("crm", query, input);
// application.output(result);
// plugins.it2be_data.flushClientsCache("crm", "sql_test");
// it is also possible to use the query to drop a table (below) and perform any
// other action you need to take
// to execute uncomment the below 3 lines of code
// var query = "DROP TABLE sql_test";
// var result = plugins.it2be_data.query("crm", query);
// application.output(result);
Boolean register( String )
Register your runtime license (use the Components Manager to request your license string)Parameters
String license the license
Boolean result boolean
Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient
// You have to register your plug-in(s) and beans before you start using them
// One way to do so is create an 'onOpenSolution' method and add the 'register(.)' method(s) there
plugins.it2be_data.register("Insert the license string(s) from your '*_runtime_license.txt' file here!");