plugins.it2be_data.IDFormattedDataSet info

Servoy Methods Summary
void addRow( Array<Object> )
void addRow( Number, Array<Object> )
void clear( Number, Number )
FormattedFont createFont( String, Number, Number )
FormattedFont createFont( Number, Number, Object )
FormattedFont createFont( Number )
FormattedFont createFont( String, Number, Number, Object )
FormattedFont createFont( String )
FormattedFont createFont( String, Number )
void freezePanes( Number, Number, Number, Number )
Number getColumnCount( )
String getColumnName( Number )
Array<String> getColumnNames( )
Number getMaxColumnIndex( )
Number getMaxRowIndex( )
Object getValue( Number, Number )
void mergeCells( Number, Number, Number, Number, Boolean )
void mergeCells( Number, Number, Number, Number, Boolean, Boolean )
void mergeCells( Number, Number, Number, Number )
void removeRow( Number )
void setCellAlignment( Number, Number, Number )
void setCellBackground( Number, Number, Object )
void setCellBorder( Number, Number, Number, Number, Object )
void setCellBorder( Number, Number, Number, Object )
void setCellBorders( Number, Number, Number, Object )
void setCellFont( Number, Number, String, Object )
void setCellFont( Number, Number, FormattedFont )
void setCellFormat( Number, Number, Object )
void setCellFormula( Number, Number, String )
void setCellLocked( Number, Number, Boolean )
void setCellValue( Number, Number, Object )
void setCellVerticalAlignment( Number, Number, Number )
void setColumnFormat( Number, Object )
void setColumnLocked( Number, Boolean )
void setColumnShrinkToFit( Number, Boolean )
void setColumnWidth( Number, Number )
void setRow( Number, Array<Object> )
void setRowHeight( Number, Number )
void setValue( Number, Number, Object )
void sort( Number, Boolean )

Servoy Methods Details

void  addRow( Array<Object> )
Add a row
Array<Object>  values  the array


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  addRow( Number, Array<Object> )
Add a row
Number  row  the index
Array<Object>  values  the array


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  clear( Number, Number )
clear the cell
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

FormattedFont  createFont( String, Number, Number )
Create a formatted font
String  name  the name
Number  style  the style
Number  size  the size

FormattedFont  font FormattedFont

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

FormattedFont  createFont( Number, Number, Object )
Create a formatted font
Number  style  the style
Number  size  the size
Object  color  the color

FormattedFont  font FormattedFont

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

FormattedFont  createFont( Number )
Create a formatted font based on the style
Number  style  the style

FormattedFont  font FormattedFont

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

FormattedFont  createFont( String, Number, Number, Object )
Create a formatted font
String  name  the name
Number  style  the style
Number  size  the size
Object  color  the color

FormattedFont  font FormattedFont

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

FormattedFont  createFont( String )
Create a formatted font
String  name  the name

FormattedFont  font FormattedFont

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

FormattedFont  createFont( String, Number )
Create a formatted font
String  name  the name
Number  style  the style

FormattedFont  font FormattedFont

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  freezePanes( Number, Number, Number, Number )
Freeze panes
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  freezedRows  the freezed rows
Number  freezedColumns  the freezed columns


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

Number  getColumnCount( )
Get the column count
Number  count int

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

String  getColumnName( Number )
Get the column name
Number  column  the column

String  name String

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

Array<String>  getColumnNames( )
Get the column names
Array<String>  names String[]

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

Number  getMaxColumnIndex( )
Get the maximum column index
Number  index int

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

Number  getMaxRowIndex( )
Get the maximum row index
Number  index int

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

Object  getValue( Number, Number )
Get a cell value
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column

Object  value Object

Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  mergeCells( Number, Number, Number, Number, Boolean )
Merge cells
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  totalRows  the total rows
Number  totalColumns  the total columns
Boolean  mergeConflict  the merge conflict


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  mergeCells( Number, Number, Number, Number, Boolean, Boolean )
Merge cells
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  totalRows  the total rows
Number  totalColumns  the total columns
Boolean  mergeConflict  the merge conflict
Boolean  checkConflict  the check conflict


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  mergeCells( Number, Number, Number, Number )
Merge cells
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  totalRows  the total rows
Number  totalColumns  the total columns


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  removeRow( Number )
Remove a row
Number  row  the row


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellAlignment( Number, Number, Number )
Set a cell alignment
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  alignment  the alignment


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellBackground( Number, Number, Object )
Set a cell background
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Object  color  the backgroundcolor


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellBorder( Number, Number, Number, Number, Object )
Set a cell border
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  type  the border type
Number  lineType  the border line type
Object  color  the color


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellBorder( Number, Number, Number, Object )
Set a cell border
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  lineType  the border line type
Object  color  the color


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellBorders( Number, Number, Number, Object )
Set a cell border
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  lineType  the border line type
Object  color  the color


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellFont( Number, Number, String, Object )
Set a cell font
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
String  font  the font string
Object  color  the color


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellFont( Number, Number, FormattedFont )
Set a cell font
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
FormattedFont  font  the font


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellFormat( Number, Number, Object )
Set a cell format
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Object  format  the custom format


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellFormula( Number, Number, String )
Set the formula for a cell
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
String  formula  the formula


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Currently supported (Workbook built-in) functions are listed below:
// [A]
// [B]
// [C]
// [D]
// [E]
// [F]
// [G]
// [H]
// [I]
// [L]
// [M]
// [N]
// [O]
// [P]
// [R]
// [S]
// [T]
// [U]
// [V]
// [W]
// [Y]

void  setCellLocked( Number, Number, Boolean )
Set cell locked
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Boolean  locked  the locked


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellValue( Number, Number, Object )
Set cell value
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Object  value  the value


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setCellVerticalAlignment( Number, Number, Number )
Set a cell vertical alignment
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Number  alignment  the alignment


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setColumnFormat( Number, Object )
Set column format
Number  column  the column
Object  format  the format


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setColumnLocked( Number, Boolean )
Set column locked
Number  column  the column
Boolean  locked  the locked


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setColumnShrinkToFit( Number, Boolean )
Set column shrink to fit
Number  column  the column
Boolean  shrinkToFit  the shrink to fit


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setColumnWidth( Number, Number )
Set column width
Number  column  the column
Number  width  the width


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setRow( Number, Array<Object> )
Set row values
Number  row  the row
Array<Object>  values  the values


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setRowHeight( Number, Number )
Set row height
Number  row  the row
Number  height  the height


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  setValue( Number, Number, Object )
Set cell value
Number  row  the row
Number  column  the column
Object  value  the value


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!

void  sort( Number, Boolean )
Set sort order
Number  column  the column
Boolean  order  the order asc/desc


Supported Clients
SmartClient, WebClient, NGClient

// Get a dataset based on a query on the example (crm) database
// and it2be_companies/contacts tables
var query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname, o.company_name, o.description FROM it2be_contacts AS c, it2be_companies AS o WHERE c.it2be_companiesid=o.it2be_companiesid";
var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(controller.getServerName(), query, null, 1000);
// stop executing this method when the dataset is empty
// and show an error dialog
if (!dataset.getMaxRowIndex()) {
plugins.it2be_data.showErrorDialog("Error.", "There are no records!", "OK");
// set the name of the file
var file = plugins.it2be_data.showFileSaveDialog();
// get the name of the operating system to know how to execute the,
// to the filetype attached,application
var osname = application.getOSName();
// check that we really selected a file
// if not ignore the rest of the code
if (file) {
var filename = file.getAbsoluteFile();
// create the IDExcel object
var object = plugins.it2be_data.excel();
// convert the BEDataSet to a IDFormattedDataSet
var set = object.convertDataSet(dataset);
// add formatting properties to the IDFormattedDataSet
set.setCellBorder(1, 1, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setRowHeight(1, 30);
set.setColumnWidth(1, 50);
set.setColumnWidth(2, 50);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 1, set.ALIGN_RIGHT);
set.setCellAlignment(1, 2, set.ALIGN_CENTER);
set.setCellBackground(1, 3, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().OLIVE);
set.setCellFont(1, 2, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellBorder(2, 3, set.BORDER_MEDIUM, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().SILVER);
set.setCellBackground(2, 2, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().BLUE);
set.setCellFont(2, 1, "Times,1,14", plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().YELLOW);
set.setCellFont(2, 2, set.createFont(set.FONT_ITALIC));
// A formula should be added equally formatted as in IDExcel
// but with a comma as value separator
// don't forget to start with the '=' character'
set.setCellFormula(18, 1, "=CONCATENATE(A7,\" \",B7)");
set.setValue(2, 2, new Date());
set.setValue(2, 3, 2.24);
set.setCellBackground(2, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().GREEN);
set.setCellBackground(3, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().PURPLE);
set.setCellBackground(4, 4, plugins.it2be_data.excelColor().LIME);
// write the file
filename = object.write(filename.getAbsolutePath(), set, true);
// open the data in the (to the filetype attached) application
// checking the os needs to be done via evaluation of a string
// you can also use the tools plugin that will give you an integer
if (osname.indexOf("Mac") > -1) {
// mac os x
application.executeProgram("open", filename);
}	else {
if (osname.indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
// windows
application.executeProgram("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", filename);
}	else {
// linux etc. would love to know how to do this!