plugins.it2be_outlook info

Servoy Properties Summary
String build
Date buildDate
String component
String licensee
String typeLicensed
Number version
String versionLicensed

Servoy Methods Summary
void close( )
IOAppointment createAppointment( )
IOAppointment createAppointment( String )
String createAppointmentFolder( String )
IOContact createContact( String )
IOContact createContact( )
String createContactFolder( String )
IOMail createMail( )
String createMailFolder( FolderType, String )
IONote createNote( )
IONote createNote( String )
String createNoteFolder( String )
IOTask createTask( String )
IOTask createTask( )
String createTaskFolder( String )
String getApplicationVersion( )
IOAppointment getAppointment( Object )
OutlookFolderID getAppointmentFolderID( )
OutlookFolderID getAppointmentFolderID( String )
Array<Object> getAppointmentFolders( )
Array<Object> getAppointmentFolders( String )
Array<Array<Object>> getAppointmentFoldersArray( String )
Array<Array<Object>> getAppointmentFoldersArray( )
IOAppointment getAppointmentSet( String, Array<Object> )
IOAppointment getAppointmentSet( )
IOAppointment getAppointmentSet( String )
IOContact getContact( Object )
OutlookFolderID getContactFolderID( String )
OutlookFolderID getContactFolderID( )
Array<Object> getContactFolders( String )
Array<Object> getContactFolders( )
Array<Array<Object>> getContactFoldersArray( )
Array<Array<Object>> getContactFoldersArray( String )
IOContact getContactSet( )
IOContact getContactSet( String )
IOContact getContactSet( String, Array<Object> )
IOMail getMail( String )
OutlookFolderID getMailFolderID( FolderType, String )
OutlookFolderID getMailFolderID( FolderType )
Array<Object> getMailFolders( FolderType )
Array<Object> getMailFolders( FolderType, String )
Array<Array<Object>> getMailFoldersArray( FolderType )
Array<Array<Object>> getMailFoldersArray( FolderType, String )
IOMail getMailSet( FolderType, String, Array<Object> )
IOMail getMailSet( FolderType )
IOMail getMailSet( FolderType, String )
IOMeeting getMeeting( Object )
IOMeeting getMeetingSet( )
IOMeeting getMeetingSet( String, Array<Object> )
IOMeeting getMeetingSet( String )
IONote getNote( Object )
OutlookFolderID getNoteFolderID( )
OutlookFolderID getNoteFolderID( String )
Array<Object> getNoteFolders( String )
Array<Object> getNoteFolders( )
Array<Array<Object>> getNoteFoldersArray( )
Array<Array<Object>> getNoteFoldersArray( String )
IONote getNoteSet( String, Array<Object> )
IONote getNoteSet( String )
IONote getNoteSet( )
IOPost getPost( Object )
IOPost getPostSet( FolderType, String, Array<Object> )
IOPost getPostSet( FolderType, String )
IOPost getPostSet( FolderType )
IOTask getTask( Object )
Array<Object> getTaskArray( String )
Array<Object> getTaskArray( )
OutlookFolderID getTaskFolderID( )
OutlookFolderID getTaskFolderID( String )
Array<Object> getTaskFolders( )
Array<Object> getTaskFolders( String )
Array<Array<Object>> getTaskFoldersArray( )
Array<Array<Object>> getTaskFoldersArray( String )
IOTask getTaskSet( )
IOTask getTaskSet( String )
IOTask getTaskSet( String, Array<Object> )
Boolean itemExists( String )
Boolean logoff( )
Boolean logon( String, String )
String moveAppointment( String, String )
String moveContact( String, String )
String moveMail( FolderType, String, String )
String moveMeeting( String, String )
String moveNote( String, String )
String movePost( FolderType, String, String )
String moveTask( String, String )
Boolean open( )
void quitApplication( )
Boolean register( String )
Boolean removeAppointment( String )
Boolean removeAppointmentFolder( String )
Boolean removeContact( String )
Boolean removeContactFolder( String )
Boolean removeMail( String )
Boolean removeMailFolder( FolderType, String )
Boolean removeMeeting( String )
Boolean removeNote( String )
Boolean removeNoteFolder( String )
Boolean removePost( String )
Boolean removeTask( String )
Boolean removeTaskFolder( String )
String typeToString( Object )

Servoy Properties Details

String  build
Returns the current version (major, minor, build)
String  build String

Supported Clients

Date  buildDate
Returns date release date
Date  date Date

Supported Clients

String  component
Returns the component name
String  name String

Supported Clients

String  licensee
Returns the licensee
String  licensee String

Supported Clients

String  typeLicensed
Returns the type that is valid for this license
String  type String

Supported Clients

Number  version
Returns the current version (major, minor)
Number  version Double

Supported Clients

String  versionLicensed
Returns the version that is valid for this license
String  license String

Supported Clients

Servoy Methods Details

void  close( )
Close the connection with MS Outlook

Supported Clients

// Logoff MS Outlook

// Close the connection with MS Outlook

IOAppointment  createAppointment( )
Create an appointment, returns outlookId when created.
IOAppointment  appointment IOAppointment

Supported Clients

// Create an appointment, returns outlookId when created.
// create the appointment in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the 'calendar' folder on the client pc
var appointment = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointment();

// you can also create an appointment direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var appointment = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointment("private:friends");

if (appointment) {
var start = new Date();

//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
appointment.subject = "test";
appointment.start = start;
appointment.duration = 60;
appointment.reminderSet = false;
appointment.location = "fun palace";
appointment.busyStatus = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.busyStatus_OUT_OF_OFFICE;

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.appointmentid =;
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the appointment failed");

IOAppointment  createAppointment( String )
Create an appointment, returns outlookId when created.
String  path  the path

IOAppointment  appointment IOAppointment

Supported Clients

// Create an appointment, returns outlookId when created.
// create the appointment in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the 'calendar' folder on the client pc
var appointment = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointment();

// you can also create an appointment direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var appointment = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointment("private:friends");

if (appointment) {
var start = new Date();

//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
appointment.subject = "test";
appointment.start = start;
appointment.duration = 60;
appointment.reminderSet = false;
appointment.location = "fun palace";
appointment.busyStatus = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.busyStatus_OUT_OF_OFFICE;

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.appointmentid =;
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the appointment failed");

String  createAppointmentFolder( String )
Create an appointment/meeting folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Create an appointment/meeting folder with the entered name.
// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolder(s);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolders("private");
// When we use getAppointmentFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFoldersArray("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IOContact  createContact( String )
Create a contact, returns outlookId when created.
String  path  the path

IOContact  contact IOContact

Supported Clients

// Create a contact, returns outlookId when created.
// create the contact in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the contact folder on the client pc
var contact = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContact();

// you can also create a contact direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var contact = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContact("private:friends");

if (contact) {
//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
contact.firstName = "firstname";
contact.lastName = "surname";

contact.companyName = "company_name";

contact.businessAddressStreet = "street 1";
contact.businessAddressCity = "city";
contact.businessAddressCountry = "country";
contact.importance = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.importance_HIGH;

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.contactid =;

//and display the MS Outlook record as if it is part of the solution
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the contact failed");

IOContact  createContact( )
Create a contact, returns outlookId when created.
IOContact  contact IOContact

Supported Clients

// Create a contact, returns outlookId when created.
// create the contact in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the contact folder on the client pc
var contact = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContact();

// you can also create a contact direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var contact = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContact("private:friends");

if (contact) {
//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
contact.firstName = "firstname";
contact.lastName = "surname";

contact.companyName = "company_name";

contact.businessAddressStreet = "street 1";
contact.businessAddressCity = "city";
contact.businessAddressCountry = "country";
contact.importance = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.importance_HIGH;

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.contactid =;

//and display the MS Outlook record as if it is part of the solution
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the contact failed");

String  createContactFolder( String )
Create a contact folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Create a contact folder with the entered name.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders();
// When we use getContactFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][1] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IOMail  createMail( )
Create a(n empty) mail message prior to setting it.
IOMail  email IOMail

Supported Clients

// Create a(n empty) mail message prior to setting it.
// Send your email through MS Outlook mail.
// your root folder wil always be the 'outbox' folder on the client pc
var mail = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMail();

// you can also create an email direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var mail = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMail("private:friends");

if (mail) {
//set the data, there are many more fields available than these = "[email protected]";
mail.subject = "test";
mail.body = "are you happy with the result?";
mail.sensitivity = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.sensitivity_CONFIDENTIAL;

//or send an HTML message
//mail.htmlBody = "are you 
        with the result?";

//with or without cc and bcc
// = "[email protected]";
//mail.bcc ="[email protected]";

//retrieve a file to attach to the email
var file = plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog(1);

//when the file is selected attach it, you can attach more than one attachment!
if (file) {

//save the data.
//this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
//there are three ways to use the send(..) method:
//return the Outlook ID of the email that it has/had assigned in the outbox.
//globals.mailid = mail.send();
//will wait until the method is sent and returns the Outlook ID from the sent items box.
globals.mailid = mail.send(true);
//will return the Outlook ID when the mail is sent (without waiting) to the method.
//globals.mailid = mail.send(method);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the email message failed");

String  createMailFolder( FolderType, String )
Create an email/post folder with the entered name.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  path  the path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Create an email/post folder with the entered name.
// the parent folder must always be created first
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);
// When we use getMailFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFoldersArray(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX, "private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IONote  createNote( )
Create a note, returns outlookId when created.
IONote  note IONote

Supported Clients

// Create a note, returns outlookId when created.
// create the note in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the note folder on the client pc
var note = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNote();

// you can also create a note direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var note = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNote("private:friends");

if (note) {
var start = new Date();

var due = new Date();

//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
note.body = "test";

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.noetid =;

} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the note failed");

IONote  createNote( String )
Create a note, returns outlookId when created.
String  path  the path

IONote  note IONote

Supported Clients

// Create a note, returns outlookId when created.
// create the note in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the note folder on the client pc
var note = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNote();

// you can also create a note direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var note = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNote("private:friends");

if (note) {
var start = new Date();

var due = new Date();

//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
note.body = "test";

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.noetid =;

} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the note failed");

String  createNoteFolder( String )
Create a note folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Create a note folder with the entered name.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

case "get_all_folders":
// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders();
// When we use getNoteFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IOTask  createTask( String )
Create a task, returns outlookId when created.
String  path  the path

IOTask  task IOTask

Supported Clients

// Create a task, returns outlookId when created.
// create the task in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the task folder on the client pc
var task = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTask();

// you can also create a task direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var task = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTask("private:friends");

if (task) {
var start = new Date();

var due = new Date();

//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
task.subject = "New task via Servoy";
task.startDate = start;
task.dueDate = due;
task.responseState = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.taskResponce_WAITING;
task.status = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.taskStatus_WAITING;

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.taskid =;
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the task failed");

IOTask  createTask( )
Create a task, returns outlookId when created.
IOTask  task IOTask

Supported Clients

// Create a task, returns outlookId when created.
// create the task in MS Outlook
// your root folder wil always be the task folder on the client pc
var task = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTask();

// you can also create a task direct into a subfolder, seperate the folders with ':'
// var task = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTask("private:friends");

if (task) {
var start = new Date();

var due = new Date();

//set the data, there are many more fields available than these
task.subject = "New task via Servoy";
task.startDate = start;
task.dueDate = due;
task.responseState = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.taskResponce_WAITING;
task.status = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.taskStatus_WAITING;

//save the data. this method returns the MS Outlook ID which can be stored to
//load the data from MS Outlook later on for display purposes
globals.taskid =;
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the task failed");

String  createTaskFolder( String )
Create a task folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Create a task folder with the entered name.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders();
// When we use getTaskFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

String  getApplicationVersion( )
Get the outlook version.
String  version String

Supported Clients

IOAppointment  getAppointment( Object )
Retrieve the appointment by id.
Object  outlookId  the outlook id

IOAppointment  appointment IOAppointment

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the appointment by id.
// check the global appointmentid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.appointmentid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// load the appointment by the id
var appointment = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointment(globals.appointmentid);

// and display the appointment
if (appointment) {
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not display the appointment!");

OutlookFolderID  getAppointmentFolderID( )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) appointment folder.
OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) appointment folder.
// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

OutlookFolderID  getAppointmentFolderID( String )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) appointment folder.
String  path  the path

OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) appointment folder.
// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

Array<Object>  getAppointmentFolders( )
Retrieve an array of appointment folder names.
Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of appointment folder names.
// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolder(s);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolders("private");
// When we use getAppointmentFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFoldersArray("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Object>  getAppointmentFolders( String )
Retrieve an array of appointment folder names.
String  path  the path

Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of appointment folder names.
// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolder(s);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolders("private");
// When we use getAppointmentFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFoldersArray("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getAppointmentFoldersArray( String )
Retrieve an array of appointment folder names and outlookId's.
String  path  the path

Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of appointment folder names.
// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolder(s);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolders("private");
// When we use getAppointmentFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFoldersArray("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getAppointmentFoldersArray( )
Retrieve an array of appointment folder names and outlookId's.
Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of appointment folder names.
// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createAppointmentFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolder(s);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFolders("private");
// When we use getAppointmentFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentFoldersArray("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IOAppointment  getAppointmentSet( String, Array<Object> )
Retrieve a set of appointments with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement
Array<Object>  input  the input array

IOAppointment  appointments IOAppointment

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of appointments with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the appointments
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE start>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet(query, input);

var message = "";

// and loop through the found set. it is here that you would include your replacement like statement
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.busyStatus) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.busyStatus) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOAppointment  getAppointmentSet( )
Retrieve a set of appointments with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
IOAppointment  appointments IOAppointment

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of appointments with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the appointments
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE start>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet(query, input);

var message = "";

// and loop through the found set. it is here that you would include your replacement like statement
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.busyStatus) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.busyStatus) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOAppointment  getAppointmentSet( String )
Retrieve a set of appointments with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement

IOAppointment  appointments IOAppointment

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of appointments with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the appointments
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE start>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet(query, input);

var message = "";

// and loop through the found set. it is here that you would include your replacement like statement
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.busyStatus) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getAppointmentSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.busyStatus) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOContact  getContact( Object )
Retrieve a contact by id.
Object  outlookId  the outlook id

IOContact  contact IOContact

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a contact by id.
// check the global contactid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.contactid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// load the contact by the id
var	contact = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContact(globals.contactid);

// and display the contact
if (contact) {
contact.display(true); //make the appearance modal (true) or not (false)
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not display the contact!");

OutlookFolderID  getContactFolderID( String )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) contact folder.
String  path  the path

OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) contact folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

OutlookFolderID  getContactFolderID( )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) contact folder.
OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) contact folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

Array<Object>  getContactFolders( String )
Retrieve an array of contact folder names.
String  path  the path

Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of contact folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders();
// When we use getContactFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][1] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Object>  getContactFolders( )
Retrieve an array of contact folder names.
Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of contact folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders();
// When we use getContactFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][1] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getContactFoldersArray( )
Retrieve an array of contact folder names and outlookId's.
Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of contact folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders();
// When we use getContactFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][1] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getContactFoldersArray( String )
Retrieve an array of contact folder names and outlookId's.
String  path  the path

Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of contact folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createContactFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders();
// When we use getContactFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][1] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IOContact  getContactSet( )
Retrieve a set of contacts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
IOContact  contacts IOContact

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of contacts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var city = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select city", "which city do you want to search?");

if (!city) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the contacts
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [city];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE businessaddresscity=?"
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.firstName + " " + set.lastName + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.firstName + " " + set.lastName + " "+ plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("get all contacts", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOContact  getContactSet( String )
Retrieve a set of contacts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement

IOContact  contacts IOContact

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of contacts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var city = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select city", "which city do you want to search?");

if (!city) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the contacts
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [city];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE businessaddresscity=?"
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.firstName + " " + set.lastName + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.firstName + " " + set.lastName + " "+ plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("get all contacts", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOContact  getContactSet( String, Array<Object> )
Retrieve a set of contacts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement
Array<Object>  input  the input array

IOContact  contact IOContact

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of contacts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var city = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select city", "which city do you want to search?");

if (!city) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the contacts
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [city];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE businessaddresscity=?"
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.firstName + " " + set.lastName + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getContactSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.firstName + " " + set.lastName + " "+ plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("get all contacts", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOMail  getMail( String )
Retrieve an email from the given folder by outlookId.
String  outlookId

IOMail  email IOMail

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an email from the given folder by outlookId.
// check the global mailid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.mailid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// load the mail by the id
var mail = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMail(globals.mailid);

// and display the mail
if (mail) {
mail.display(true); //make the appearance modal (true) or not (false)
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not display the email message!");

OutlookFolderID  getMailFolderID( FolderType, String )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) email folder.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  path  the path

OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) email folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolderID(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

OutlookFolderID  getMailFolderID( FolderType )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) email folder.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder

OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) email folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolderID(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

Array<Object>  getMailFolders( FolderType )
Retrieve an array of mail/post folder names.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder

Array<Object>  Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of mail/post folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);
// When we use getMailFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFoldersArray(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX, "private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Object>  getMailFolders( FolderType, String )
Retrieve an array of mail/post folder names.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  path  the path

Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of mail/post folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);
// When we use getMailFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFoldersArray(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX, "private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getMailFoldersArray( FolderType )
Retrieve an array of email folder names and outlookId's.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder

Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of mail/post folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);
// When we use getMailFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFoldersArray(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX, "private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getMailFoldersArray( FolderType, String )
Retrieve an array of email folder names and outlookId's.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  path  the path

Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of mail/post folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createMailFolder(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX,"private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);
// When we use getMailFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFoldersArray(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX);

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailFolders(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX, "private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IOMail  getMailSet( FolderType, String, Array<Object> )
Retrieve a set of email messages with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement
Array<Object>  input  the input array

IOMail  emails IOMail

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of email messages with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to find mail in?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the email
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box, query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(box, query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to get all mail from?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

// retrieve a set from the root
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box);

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box, "private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOMail  getMailSet( FolderType )
Retrieve a set of email messages with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder

IOMail  emails IOMail

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of email messages with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to find mail in?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the email
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box, query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(box, query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to get all mail from?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

// retrieve a set from the root
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box);

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box, "private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOMail  getMailSet( FolderType, String )
Retrieve a set of email messages with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement

IOMail  emails IOMail

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of email messages with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to find mail in?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the email
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box, query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(box, query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to get all mail from?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

// retrieve a set from the root
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box);

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMailSet(box, "private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOMeeting  getMeeting( Object )
Retrieve a meeting by outlookId.
Object  outlookId  the outlook id

IOMeeting  meeting IOMeeting

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a meeting by outlookId.
// check the global meetingid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.meetingid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// load the meeting by the id
var meeting = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeeting(globals.meetingid);

// and display the meeting
if (meeting) {
meeting.display(); //make the appearance modal (true) or not (false)
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not display the meeting!");

IOMeeting  getMeetingSet( )
Retrieve a set of meetings with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
IOMeeting  meetings IOMeeting

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of meetings with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the meetings
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE start>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " +  plugins.it2be_outlook.type.isString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " +  plugins.it2be_outlook.type.isString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOMeeting  getMeetingSet( String, Array<Object> )
Retrieve a set of meetings with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement
Array<Object>  input  the input array

IOMeeting  meetings IOMeeting

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of meetings with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the meetings
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE start>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " +  plugins.it2be_outlook.type.isString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " +  plugins.it2be_outlook.type.isString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOMeeting  getMeetingSet( String )
Retrieve a set of meetings with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement

IOMeeting  meetings IOMeeting

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of meetings with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the meetings
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE start>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " +  plugins.it2be_outlook.type.isString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.start + " " + set.end + " " +  plugins.it2be_outlook.type.isString(set.importance) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IONote  getNote( Object )
Retrieve a note by outlookId.
Object  outlookId  the outlook id

IONote  note IONote

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a note by outlookId.
// check the global noteid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.noetid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// load the note by the id
var note = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNote(globals.noetid);

// and display the note
if (note) {
note.display(); //make the appearance modal (true) or not (false)
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not display the note!");

OutlookFolderID  getNoteFolderID( )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) note folder.
OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) note folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

OutlookFolderID  getNoteFolderID( String )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) note folder.
String  path  the path

OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) note folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

Array<Object>  getNoteFolders( String )
Retrieve an array of note folder names.
String  path  the path

Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of note folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

case "get_all_folders":
// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders();
// When we use getNoteFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Object>  getNoteFolders( )
Retrieve an array of note folder names.
Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of note folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

case "get_all_folders":
// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders();
// When we use getNoteFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getNoteFoldersArray( )
Retrieve an array of note folder names and outlookId's.
Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of note folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

case "get_all_folders":
// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders();
// When we use getNoteFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getNoteFoldersArray( String )
Retrieve an array of note folder names and outlookId's.
String  path  the path

Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of note folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createNoteFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

case "get_all_folders":
// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders();
// When we use getNoteFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IONote  getNoteSet( String, Array<Object> )
Retrieve a set of notes with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement
Array<Object>  input  the input array

IONote  notes IONote

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of notes with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select body", "what body text do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the notes
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

if (set) {
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.subject +"\n";
} else {
message = "found no records!";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

if (set) {
//and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.body +"\n";
} else {
message = "found no records!";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IONote  getNoteSet( String )
Retrieve a set of notes with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement

IONote  notes IONote

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of notes with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select body", "what body text do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the notes
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

if (set) {
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.subject +"\n";
} else {
message = "found no records!";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

if (set) {
//and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.body +"\n";
} else {
message = "found no records!";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IONote  getNoteSet( )
Retrieve a set of notes with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
IONote  notes IONote

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of notes with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select body", "what body text do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the notes
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

if (set) {
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.subject +"\n";
} else {
message = "found no records!";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getNoteSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

if (set) {
//and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.body +"\n";
} else {
message = "found no records!";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOPost  getPost( Object )
Retrieve a post by outlookId.
Object  outlookId  the outlook id

IOPost  post IOPost

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a post by outlookId.
// check the global postid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.postid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// load the post by the id
var post = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPost(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX, globals.postid);

// and display the mail
if (post) {
post.display(true); //make the appearance modal (true) or not (false)
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not display the post!");

IOPost  getPostSet( FolderType, String, Array<Object> )
Retrieve a set of posts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement
Array<Object>  input  the input array

IOPost  posts IOPost

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of posts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
// with posts we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for posts are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to find the post in?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent_mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the emails (posts are in the eemail folder system)
// when you want to want to search on a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box, query, input);

var time = new Date();

// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(box, query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// with posts we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for posts are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to get all posts from?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

// retrieve a set from the root
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box);

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box, "private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOPost  getPostSet( FolderType, String )
Retrieve a set of posts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement

IOPost  posts IOPost

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of posts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
// with posts we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for posts are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to find the post in?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent_mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the emails (posts are in the eemail folder system)
// when you want to want to search on a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box, query, input);

var time = new Date();

// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(box, query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// with posts we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for posts are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to get all posts from?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

// retrieve a set from the root
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box);

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box, "private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOPost  getPostSet( FolderType )
Retrieve a set of posts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder

IOPost  post IOPost

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of posts with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
// with posts we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for posts are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to find the post in?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent_mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the emails (posts are in the eemail folder system)
// when you want to want to search on a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box, query, input);

var time = new Date();

// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(box, query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// with posts we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for posts are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var mailbox = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog("mailbox", "Which mailbox do you want to get all posts from?", "inbox", "outbox", "sent mail", "drafts")

if (!mailbox) {

// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
if (mailbox == "inbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "outbox") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_OUTBOX;
} else if (mailbox == "sent mail") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL;
} else if (mailbox == "drafts") {
var box = plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_DRAFTS;

// retrieve a set from the root
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box);

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getPostSet(box, "private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += "sent: '" + set.sent +"'  on: " + set.sentOn + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.sensitivity) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOTask  getTask( Object )
Retrieve a task by outlookId.
Object  outlookId  the outlook id

IOTask  task IOTask

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a task by outlookId.
// check the global taskid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.taskid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// load the task by the id
var task = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTask(globals.taskid);

// and display the task
if (task) {
task.display(); //make the appearance modal (true) or not (false)
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not display the task!");

Array<Object>  getTaskArray( String )
Get an array with tasks
String  path  the path

Array<Object>  tasks Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the tasks
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

Array<Object>  getTaskArray( )
Get an array with tasks
Array<Object>  tasks Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the tasks
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

OutlookFolderID  getTaskFolderID( )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) task folder.
OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) task folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

OutlookFolderID  getTaskFolderID( String )
Retrieve the ID of the (named) task folder.
String  path  the path

OutlookFolderID  id OutlookFolderID

Supported Clients

// Retrieve the ID of the (named) task folder.
// without any foldername/path entered you will get the root folder id
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolderID();

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folder", "ID = " + globals.folderId);

Array<Object>  getTaskFolders( )
Retrieve an array of task folder names.
Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of task folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders();
// When we use getTaskFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Object>  getTaskFolders( String )
Retrieve an array of task folder names.
String  path  the path

Array<Object>  folders Object[]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of task folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders();
// When we use getTaskFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getTaskFoldersArray( )
Retrieve an array of task folder names and outlookId's.
Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of task folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders();
// When we use getTaskFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

Array<Array<Object>>  getTaskFoldersArray( String )
Retrieve an array of task folder names and outlookId's.
String  path  the path

Array<Array<Object>>  folders Object[][]

Supported Clients

// Retrieve an array of task folder names.
// the parent folder must always be created first
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private");

// after creating the parent folder we can create the childer
if (globals.folderId) {
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:family");
globals.folderId = plugins.it2be_outlook.createTaskFolder("private:friends");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "creating the folder failed");

// get all children folders below the root folder
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders();
// When we use getTaskFoldersArray we can also retrieve the folder id.
// The returned value is a 2D (two dimensional) array.
// var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFoldersArray("private");

// get all children folder below the entered parent folder
var folders = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskFolders("private");

if (folders) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folders.length ; i++) {
message += folders[i] + "\n";
//message += "name:" + folders[i][0] + "\nid: " + folders[i][1] + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("folders", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("folders", "there are no children folders!");

// see the sample solution for a more advanced example of how to loop through
// all folders and subfolders.

IOTask  getTaskSet( )
Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
IOTask  tasks IOTask

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the tasks
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOTask  getTaskSet( String )
Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement

IOTask  tasks IOTask

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the tasks
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

IOTask  getTaskSet( String, Array<Object> )
Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
String  sqlStatement  the sql statement
Array<Object>  input  the input array

IOTask  tasks IOTask

Supported Clients

// Retrieve a set of tasks with an (optional) SQL statement and input array.
// set the content of what you want to search on.
// REMARK: MS Outlook doesn't offer an 'out of the box' solution to work with a 'LIKE' statement
// searching can only be done on a full string or you will have to loop through the records to find what you need
var subject = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog("Select subject", "what subject do you want to search?");

if (!subject) {

// to search in MS Outlook you can create a sql statement like below
// you can either work with the input parameter and '?' to take care of the correct formatting
// or you create the statement yourself
// the 'default' table refers to the root of (in this case) the tasks
// when you want to want to search a subfolder you can do 'private:friends'
var input = [subject];
var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE subject=?";
var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet(query,input);

var time = new Date();
// searching on date/time is done like below
// var input = [time];
// var query = "SELECT * FROM default WHERE creationtime>?";
// var set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getMeetingSet(query, input);

var message = "";

while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");


// retrieve a set from the root
var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet();

// or retrieve a set from a subfolder system
// var	set = plugins.it2be_outlook.getTaskSet("private:friends");

var message = "";

// and loop through the result set, make sure it is not too big to avoid memory issues
while (set.hasNext()) {
var outlookId = set.getNext();

message += set.startDate + " " + set.dueDate + " " + plugins.it2be_outlook.type.toString(set.status) + "\n";

if (message) {
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("find result", message);
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("find result", "no records found");

Boolean  itemExists( String )
Check by MS Outlook ID if an item exists.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  exists boolean

Supported Clients

Boolean  logoff( )
Logoff from MS Outlook.
Boolean  boolean

Supported Clients

// Logoff MS Outlook

// Close the connection with MS Outlook

Boolean  logon( String, String )
Logon to MS Outlook with a name and password.
String  name  the name
String  password  the password

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

try {
//register the plugin
plugins.it2be_outlook.register("code", "developer");

//open the connection to the MS Outlook application
//preferably you do this when you really need the connection

//logon to MS Outlook
plugins.it2be_outlook.logon("name", "password")
} catch (e) {

String  moveAppointment( String, String )
Move an appointment to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
String  outlookId  the outlook id
String  folderId  the folder id or path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Move an appointment to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
// you can move an appointment to another folder
// the new folder can be set via the folder id or the folder path
var outlookId = plugins.it2be_outlook.moveAppointment(record.outlookId, "private");

// moving an appointment within MS Outlook is not really moving unfortunately
// it is in fact deleting the old appointment and creating a new one!
// as a result you should save the new MS Outlook id to your own record again
if (outlookId) {
record.outlookId = outlookId;


plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information", "record moved.");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "moving failed.");

String  moveContact( String, String )
Move a contact to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
String  outlookId  the outlook id
String  folderId  the folder id or path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Move a contact to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
// you can move a contact to another folder
// the new folder can be set via the folder id or the folder path
var outlookId = plugins.it2be_outlook.moveContact(record.outlookId, "private");

// moving a contact within MS Outlook is not really moving unfortunately
// it is in fact deleting the old contact and creating a new one!
// as a result you should save the new MS Outlook ID to your own record again
if (outlookId) {
record.outlookId = outlookId;


plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information", "record moved.");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "moving failed.");

String  moveMail( FolderType, String, String )
Move an email to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  outlookId  the outlook id
String  folderId  the folder id or path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Move an email to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
// you can move an email to another folder
// the new folder can be set via the folder id or the folder path
// select the correct mailbox using the 'type' node from the plugin
// available types start with 'folder_'
var outlookId = plugins.it2be_outlook.moveMail(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_SENT_MAIL, record.outlookId, "private");

// moving an email within MS Outlook is not really moving unfortunately
// it is in fact deleting the old email and creating a new one!
// as a result you should save the new MS Outlook ID to your own record again
if (outlookId) {
record.outlookId = outlookId;


plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information", "record moved.");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "moving failed.");

String  moveMeeting( String, String )
Move a meeting to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
String  outlookId  the outlook id
String  folderId  the folder id or path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Move a meeting to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
// you can move a meeting to another folder
// the new folder can be set via the folder id or the folder path
var outlookId = plugins.it2be_outlook.moveMeeting(record.outlookId, "private");

// moving a meeting within MS Outlook is not really moving unfortunately
// it is in fact deleting the old meeting and creating a new one!
// as a result you should save the new MS Outlook ID to your own record again
if (outlookId) {
record.outlookId = outlookId;


plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information", "record moved.");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "moving failed.");

String  moveNote( String, String )
Move a note to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
String  outlookId  the outlook id
String  folderId  the folder id or path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Move a note to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
// you can move a note to another folder
// the new folder can be set via the folder id or the folder path
var outlookId = plugins.it2be_outlook.moveNote(record.outlookId, "private");

// moving a note within MS Outlook is not really moving unfortunately
// it is in fact deleting the old note and creating a new one!
// as a result you should save the new MS Outlook ID to your own record again
if (outlookId) {
record.outlookId = outlookId;


plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information", "record moved.");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "moving failed.");

String  movePost( FolderType, String, String )
Move a post to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  outlookId  the outlook id
String  folderId  the folder id or path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Move a post to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
// you can move a post to another folder
// the new folder can be set via the folder id or the folder path
var outlookId = plugins.it2be_outlook.movePost(record.outlookId, "private");

// moving a post within MS Outlook is not really moving unfortunately
// it is in fact deleting the old post and creating a new one!
// as a result you should save the new MS Outlook ID to your own record again
if (outlookId) {
record.outlookId = outlookId;


plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information", "record moved.");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "moving failed.");

String  moveTask( String, String )
Move a task to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
String  outlookId  the outlook id
String  folderId  the folder id or path

String  id String

Supported Clients

// Move a task to another folder. Arguments: outlookId, folder id/path.
// you can move a task to another folder
// the new folder can be set via the folder id or the folder path
var outlookId = plugins.it2be_outlook.moveTask(record.outlookId, "private");

// moving a task within MS Outlook is not really moving unfortunately
// it is in fact deleting the old task and creating a new one!
// as a result you should save the new MS Outlook ID to your own record again
if (outlookId) {
record.outlookId = outlookId;


plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information", "record moved.");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "moving failed.");

Boolean  open( )
Open the connection to MS Outlook.
Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

try {
//register the plugin
plugins.it2be_outlook.register("code", "developer");

//open the connection to the MS Outlook application
//preferably you do this when you really need the connection

//logon to MS Outlook
plugins.it2be_outlook.logon("name", "password")
} catch (e) {

void  quitApplication( )
Quit outlook.

Supported Clients

Boolean  register( String )
Register your runtime license (use the Components Manager to request your license string)
String  license  the license

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// You have to register your plug-in(s) and beans before you start using them
// One way to do so is create an 'onOpenSolution' method and add the 'register(.)' method(s) there
plugins.it2be_outlook.register("Insert the license string(s) from your '*_runtime_license.txt' file here!");

Boolean  removeAppointment( String )
Remove an appointment with the entered outlookId.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// check the global appointmentid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.appointmentid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// and remove the actual appointment from MS Outlook
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeAppointment(globals.appointmentid);

if (result) {
globals.outlookId = null;

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information",  "removed the appointment!");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error",  "could not remove the appointment!");

Boolean  removeAppointmentFolder( String )
Remove an appointment/meeting folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// appointment (calendar) folders are also used for meetings
// the children must be removed before removing the parent
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeAppointmentFolder("private:friends");
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeAppointmentFolder("private:family");

// now we can remove the parent folder
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeAppointmentFolder("private");

Boolean  removeContact( String )
Remove a contact with the entered id.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// check the global contactid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.contactid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// and remove the actual contact from MS Outlook
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeContact(globals.contactid);

if (result) {
globals.contactid = null;

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information",  "removed the contact!");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not remove the contact!");

Boolean  removeContactFolder( String )
Remove a contact folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// the children must be removed before removing the parent
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeContactFolder("private:friends");
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeContactFolder("private:family");

// now we can remove the parent folder
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeContactFolder("private");

Boolean  removeMail( String )
Remove an email from the given folder with the entered id.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// check the global mailid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.mailid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// and remove the actual email from MS Outlook
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeMail(globals.mailid);

if (result) {
globals.outlookId = null;

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information",  "removed the email message!");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not remove the email message!");

Boolean  removeMailFolder( FolderType, String )
Remove an email/post folder from the entered folder with name.
FolderType  defaultFolder  the default folder
String  path  the path

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// the children must be removed before removing the parent
// with email we always need to define one of the four available boxes
// valid boxes for email are 'inbox', 'outbox', 'sent_mail' and 'drafts'
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeMailFolder("inbox", "private:friends");
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeMailFolder("inbox", "private:family");

// now we can remove the parent folder
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeMailFolder("inbox", "private");

Boolean  removeMeeting( String )
Remove a meeting with the entered outlookId.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// check the global meetingid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.meetingid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// and remove the actual meeting from MS Outlook
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeMeeting(globals.meetingid);

if (result) {
meeting = null;

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information",  "removed the meeting!");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not remove the meeting!");

Boolean  removeNote( String )
Remove a note with the entered outlookId.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// check the global noteid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.noetid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// and remove the actual note from MS Outlook
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeNote(globals.noetid);

if (result) {
globals.noetid = null;

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information",  "removed the note!");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not remove the note!");

Boolean  removeNoteFolder( String )
Remove a note folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// the children must be removed before removing the parent
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeNoteFolder("private:friends");
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeNoteFolder("private:family");

// now we can remove the parent folder
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeNoteFolder("private");

Boolean  removePost( String )
Remove a post with the entered outlookId.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// check the global postid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.postid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// and remove the actual post from MS Outlook
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removePost(plugins.it2be_outlook.type.folder_INBOX, globals.mailid);

if (result) {
globals.outlookId = null;

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information",  "removed the email message!");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not remove the email message!");

Boolean  removeTask( String )
Remove a task with the entered outlookId.
String  outlookId  the outlook id

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// check the global taskid or take a stored id from the database
if (!globals.taskid) {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "No MS Outlook ID found");


// and remove the actual task from MS Outlook
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeTask(globals.taskid);

if (result) {
globals.outlookId = null;

plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog("Information",  "removed the task!");
} else {
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "could not remove the task!");

Boolean  removeTaskFolder( String )
Remove a task folder with the entered name.
String  path  the path

Boolean  result boolean

Supported Clients

// the children must be removed before removing the parent
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeTaskFolder("private:friends");
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeTaskFolder("private:family");

// now we can remove the parent folder
var result = plugins.it2be_outlook.removeTaskFolder("private");

String  typeToString( Object )
Retrieve the string value of the type.
Object  type

String  String

Supported Clients

var type = plugins.it2be_outlook.type;